
"Behind the Oz-like curtains of justice there exist a few good guys unafraid to tell the whole truth, regardless of the consequences. Greg Dillon is one of those guys. Read this book. "
Norm Pattis
/ lawyer, author of “Taking Back the Courts”, “Juries and Justice”, and “In the Trenches”
"This is a must-read for anyone serious about corruption and/or law enforcement. Greg's firsthand account, confirmed by his wins in federal court, of the wrongdoing that is far too common within the FBI is particularly important for the public to know. His example describes what the corruption is, how it's covered up, and why it continues. I'd summarize it simply as the need for FBI managers to inflate their accomplishments for their own and the institution's gain, their consequent need to destroy anyone who exposes those lies, an agency that is allowed to police itself, and, in Greg's case, corrupt state officials willing to destroy their own officers to gain and maintain favor with the FBI and DOJ. This dishonesty corrodes the U.S. criminal justice system as a whole and must be stamped out. I'd also add that a sitting U.S. Senator was part of the problem in Greg's case, which suggests why the U.S. Congress fails to take action to hold bad actors within the FBI accountable. Finally, that Greg won a first amendment action is particularly significant to me. Please help educate yourself about the problems in U.S. law enforcement and read this book. "
Mike Zummer
/ former Marine, FBI agent & attorney who now specializes in whistleblower advocacy & anti-corruption investigations
"Greg Dillon was forced into the uncomfortable role of whistleblower when he discovered that FBI agents on a federal-state fugitive task force were putting lies in sworn affidavits and claiming the information came from Dillon and his fellow Connecticut law enforcement officers. Here, he describes vividly what it’s like to be in that position when bureaucrats decide it’s better for their careers to attack the whistleblowers than to stand up for the principles they claim to uphold. "
Alex Wood
/ reporter, Journal Inquirer, Manchester, CT (winner of award from Society of Professional Journalists - CT Chapter, for investigative series on FBI misconduct)
"Thin Blue Lie” is the newest truth teller in this explosive non-fiction read exposing police corruption. Bad guys on all sides of justice are exposed in this real life story of an FBI whistleblower."
Joaquin “Jack” Garcia
/ FBI agent (retired) and NY Times Bestselling author of “Making Jack Falcone - an undercover FBI agent takes down a Mafia family”.
"I trust every good cop and FBI agent who reads this book with an open mind will recognize the trials and tribulations Greg Dillon experienced on his journey to reveal the truth."